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Class Action Lawsuits

Construction Class Actions

Dealing with construction-related defects can be extremely frustrating. It is a complex and time-consuming process to rectify such issues. In situations where construction companies or subcontractors are negligent, or when defective equipment or products are used, a class action lawsuit may be the most suitable option for remedying the problem.

Construction class actions are filed when a large group of people or businesses experience a problem due to another’s negligence. Class action claims can arise for many reasons, including shoddy construction, use of inferior construction materials, or failure to follow best construction practices.

Construction class action lawsuits are currently being investigated by our firm for a variety of construction projects, including against general contractors and subcontractors for a variety of construction-related defects. In addition to product defects, negligent building techniques have resulted in property damage or personal injuries. Common construction class actions include the following:

When the construction-related problem is widespread and affects many people or businesses, a class action lawsuit may be the best method for addressing the defects on behalf of everyone involved. Construction defect claims can be complicated and expensive, requiring the expertise of a construction class action attorney.