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Recover Damages with UM Coverage in NC | Hit-and-Run Victims

a white car with front end damage

A hit-and-run crash is a preventable tragedy. Especially when a pedestrian is the victim, hit-and-runs can be catastrophic or even deadly. This type of collision is on the rise in the United States, and many people believe there is nothing they can do to recover damages. Fortunately, your own insurance policy can help even without ever finding the at-fault driver in a hit-and-run.

How Common are Hit-and-Runs?

In 2022, nearly one out of every four pedestrian fatalities nationwide involved a hit-and-run driver. This shocking statistic shows the severity of hit-and-run cases and the importance of having insurance for such tragic incidents.

The rate of pedestrian fatalities continues to rise each year. Recently, a hit-and-run in Fayetteville resulted in the death of a pedestrian standing in their driveway. This highlights the need for insurance in hit-and-run accidents.

Does Insurance Cover Victims of a Hit-and-Run in NC?

Even if the driver involved in a hit-and-run is never identified, there are still options for compensation. In North Carolina, the victim or their family can pursue compensation through Uninsured Motorist (UM) coverage. UM coverage is a part of your motor vehicle insurance policy for occasions like hit-and-runs where the perpetrator isn’t identified. The North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles requires motorists to have a UM policy of $30,000 or more. The injured pedestrian can utilize not only any automobile or motorcycle policies issued to themselves but also any issued to any of their family members with whom they reside at the time of the accident. This makes insurance crucial in the case of a hit-and-run.

What Does Uninsured Motorist Coverage Cover?

UM coverage can cover medical expenses, lost wages, permanent injury, permanent scarring, and pain and suffering after a hit and run. If you are filing a claim for a person killed in a hit-and-run, UM policies can also extend to cover funeral expenses in cases of wrongful death. Such coverage is essential when dealing with insurance for a hit-and-run incident.

How Do I File a UM Claim after a Hit-and-Run?

Pursuing uninsured motorist claims on your own can be a difficult task. Navigating the legal system and arguing with insurers to get what you deserve shouldn’t get in the way of your healing. Contacting a hit-and-run attorney can help maximize your recovery from a UM policy. This makes understanding insurance claims in hit-and-run cases very important.

Why Do I Need an Attorney if I Have Insurance?

Insurance policies are supposed to be there for us when we need them. However, insurance companies do everything possible to avoid paying out what you deserve. Therefore, turning to an expert in personal injury and insurance law is essential to pursue a just settlement or verdict, especially in hit-and-run situations.

Contact Our Experienced Attorneys

The North Carolina hit-and-run accident attorneys of Maginnis Howard can assist you in recovering fair compensation for your injuries. Our car accident personal injury attorneys in Charlotte, Fayetteville, and Raleigh have decades of experience fighting for clients across the Carolinas. Our firm offers a contingency fee arrangement to all victims of tractor-trailer collisions. This means that you pay no attorneys’ fees unless and until we make a recovery on your behalf.  Contact us today for a free consultation by visiting our contact page or chatting with a live agent through our chat service in the bottom corner of your screen.