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Types of Car Accidents and How to Prevent Them

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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2022, approximately 5.8 million people experienced non-fatal crashes, with 42,514 resulting in deaths. Understanding the causes of specific types of car accidents and knowing how to prevent them can be the difference between a minor collision and a life-changing wreck.  

Rear-End Collision 

What is it 

A rear-end collision occurs when one vehicle hits the back of another vehicle. These accidents commonly happen at slower speeds, such as at a red light, stop sign, or in heavy traffic. In some cases, the crash may cause little to no damage. However, it can also occur at much faster speeds; when a fast-moving car hits a stopped car, the results can be severe.  

Rear-End Collision Statistics 

This is the most frequent type of car accident. Every year there are about 1.7 million rear-end collisions with around 1,700 of them resulting in deaths. 

How to Prevent this Accident 

The simplest way to prevent a rear-end collision from occurring is to keep a three-second gap between your car and the vehicle in front of you, as tailgating is a common cause of rear-ending. In addition, anticipating traffic flow and breaking early can help minimize the need for sudden stops and can warn the driver behind you of stops. 

Head-On Collisions 

What is it 

A head-on collision takes place when two cars that are traveling in opposite directions collide with each other. These collisions often transpire when there are no divisions between the lanes going in opposite directions of the other. Moreover, the rates of these crashes also increase when the speed limit is over 50 mph, in rural areas, curvy roads, and in inclement weather. 

Head-On Collision Statistics 

According to the Insurance Information Institute, there were 4,295 head-on collisions in 2021. 

How to Prevent this Accident 

Stay aware of the direction of the road, these crashes see a strong relationship with distracted driving. Follow all traffic signs and signals, reduce speed when approaching curves or hills, and only overtake on a two-lane road when it is legal, safe, and necessary. 

T-Bone Accident 

What is it 

Also known as a side-impact collision, a T-Bone accident occurs when the front of one car crashes into the side of another vehicle forming a letter “T”, hence the name. These accidents are commonly found at intersections when one driver does not follow the traffic laws such as failing to yield, running a red light, or disregarding a stop sign. 

T-Bone Accident Statistics 

According to the NHTSA over 8,000 people are killed in side-impact crashes every year. 

How to Prevent this Accident 

Stay alert and follow all traffic laws. Yield when there is a yield sign, stop when there is a red light or stop sign, and only proceed when your path is clear. 

Single Car Accident 

What is it 

As the name states, only one car is involved in this type of accident. There may, however, be a second object that is a part of this accident. This often occurs when a driver swerves, frequently due to impairment, distractions, drowsiness, or aggravation, causing their car to crash into an object such as a guard rail, curb, ditch, or tree. 

Single Car Accident Statistics 

A National Safety Council report states there were 12,200 deaths due to fixed or other objects in 2022. 

How to Prevent this Accident 

Focus on your surroundings, avoid any distractions so your full attention is on driving. Adjust your speed depending on the road or weather conditions and be cautious when approaching curves or turns. Further, maintaining your vehicle, such as checking your tires, brakes, lights, and fluids, helps you ensure everything is properly working. 

Distracted Driving Accident 

What is it 

Distracted driving refers to any driving that is done while simultaneously doing a second task, such as eating, drinking, texting, calling, or fixing your music or navigation system. While behind the wheel, engaging in any activity other than driving takes your attention away from focusing on the road.  

Distracted Driving Accident Statistics 

According to the NHTSA, 3,308 lives were taken due to distracted driving in 2022.  

How to Prevent this Accident

You oversee your own distracted driving. The simplest way to prevent this is to either pull off the road or wait until you have made it to your destination to complete this additional task. If there is a passenger in the car, ask them to help you change the music or send a quick text for you. 

Drunk Driving Accident 

What is it 

Consuming alcohol decreases the function of the brain, impairing thinking, reasoning and muscle coordination, making an individual’s response time slower. When operating a vehicle, the typical effects that may occur can lead to negative outcomes, hence why drinking with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) above .08 is illegal in all states. 

Drunk Driving Accident Statistics 

Every day, about 37 people die in a drunk-driving crash in the United States. The data from the NHTSA states that in 2022, there were 13,524 deaths due to alcohol-impaired driving. While it may be legal to drink with a BAC under .08, it is not advisable because the negative effects are still apparent. In fact, 2,337 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes where the driver’s BAC was between a .01 and .07. 

How to Prevent this Accident 

Do not get behind the wheel after having alcoholic drinks. You are putting your life and the life of others on the road in danger. Further, never get in a car when the driver has had several drinks or shows clear signs they are unfit for driving. It is always better to call a friend or an uber than to put your life at risk. 

Hit and Run Accident 

What is it 

In the event of an accident, drivers should pull over an exchange contact information. If a driver fails to do so and flees the scene, it is considered a hit and run. This can leave victims in dangerous situations without knowing who damaged their vehicle. 

Hit and Run Accident Statistics 

Hit-and-run fatalities are increasing with 2,564 reports in 2020, which was a 26% increase from the year prior, according to the NHTSA

How to Prevent this Accident 

Preventing this accident requires a driver to take responsibility for their actions. Hit-and-runs are quite common with most of them resulting in only property damage. However, it is still necessary to inform the owner of either the building or the car of any damage that took place. 

Contact Us 

Knowing when to get a lawyer for your auto accident can be crucial to protecting your rights and ensuring you receive fair compensation. If you suffer any injuries, your car has serious damage, or there is a disagreement about who is at fault, contact a lawyer. Maginnis Howard has three offices with locations in Charlotte, Raleigh, and Fayetteville. To reach an intake specialist, visit our contact page or submit an inquiry through our Live Chat feature. You may also call us at (919) 526-0450. We accept clients across the Carolinas. 

Car Accident FAQs 

What is the Most Common Type of Car Accident? 

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of accident, accounting for almost one third of all vehicle accidents.

What to do After a Car Accident? 

Taking the essential steps after a car accident can lead to a smoother and more effective outcome. First, ensure safety, then call the authorities, exchange contact information, document the scene, seek medical attention, and consult with a lawyer. 

If your car accident results in serious injuries, ensure you are receiving all necessary medical treatments before trying to handle the complexities, including legal matters, that may follow your accident. 

Should I get a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident? 

If there are any disputes over fault or you are experiencing any insurance claims, it is a good idea to consult with a lawyer. Even if the accident seems minor, a lawyer can help you ensure you are protecting your rights and you receive compensation for any damage or injuries.