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Increase in Fatal Crashes in NC


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With less drivers on the road, it seems as if the number of fatal crashes or crashes in general would be less, right? Well, not quite. North Carolina did see a 19% decrease in miles traveled in 2020, but a 8% increase in fatal crashes.

Increase in Fatal Crashes

According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), there were a total of 1,491 fatal crashes in 2020. This was the highest number of recorded fatal crashes in a single year since 2007.

Why The Increase in Crashes?

One-third of the crashes in 2020 involved victims who were not wearing a seatbelt. Roughly 25% of crashes were caused by speeding. Alcohol was a common theme of causing crashes as well.

The Washington Post reports that in some of the most congested areas of the country, average speeds increased by as much as 250 percent. With roads being clear of traffic, people seem to think they can drive as fast as they want.

As we mentioned in an earlier blog, the spike in impaired driving collisions could be attributed to people relying on drugs and alcohol due to the stress the pandemic has brought. The percentage of drivers who tested positive for either drugs or alcohol between July-September of last year was 61%, according to the NHTSA.

Automobile Collision Attorneys

If you or a loved one have been injured due to the negligence of another driver, you deserve to have an experienced attorney in your corner.

Maginnis Howard’s lead personal injury attorney, T. Shawn Howard, is experienced in handling complex automobile collision cases, including those involving a negligent driver.

For a legal team you can trust, contact the experienced attorneys at Maginnis Howard. Our results speak for themselves, and our clients are our number one priority. We represent clients across the Carolinas on a contingency basis. That means you don’t pay unless we recover compensation for you. We have three conveniently located offices in Raleigh, Charlotte, and Fayetteville.

Contact us for a free case Evaluation