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What to Do If You’re Injured by a Dog While at Work

white street sign and in black text it reads "dogs must remain on leash ordinance No.90-86"

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For many people in North Carolina, dogs have rightfully earned their status as man’s best friend. They provide a sense of protection and companionship, and can even alleviate a person’s stress, anxiety and high blood pressure. However, many Americans have a sometimes-justifiable fear of dogs, as they can often attack and injure when provoked, sometimes even without any apparent provocation at all. If you were injured by a dog at work, you may be able to sue for damages.

Employees of professions who are more frequently exposed to dogs every day and are at risk of being attacked on the job. Delivery drivers, dog walkers or dog groomers are the most vulnerable when it comes to facing dogs daily.

Recently, Maginnis Howard’s head personal injury attorney, T. Shawn Howard, recovered $30,000 for a clients injured by a dog at work. Mr. Howard’s client works for a dog walking service. She was bit while meeting with the family of the prospective dog. She suffered puncture wounds on her knee and had to go seek medical attention. Mr. Howard’s client made a claim against the dog owner’s homeowners’ insurance and was able to recover $30,000.

In cases such as this one, workers have two separate claims. The first right of recourse is usually a workers’ compensation claim. The second claim is against the negligent third-party (the dog’s owner or keeper).

While Maginnis Howard does not handle worker’s compensation claims, we regularly handle third-party negligence claims arising out of on the job injuries. In a workers’ compensation claim, you can recover up to 2/3 of your average weekly wage when you are out of work for your injury. Workers’ compensation will also pay your medical expenses. Generally, the benefits of a workers’ compensation claim are not as great as those available in a third-party negligence action. In a third-party negligence action arising out of a dog bite, you can recover your full lost wages, along with compensation for physical pain and mental suffering, permanent disfigurement, and permanent injury.

Representation for Dog Bites at Work

If you or someone you know has been injured by a dog at work, contact the personal injury attorneys of Maginnis Howard. Call us at (919) 526-0450 or visit our contact page to send a confidential message to our intake team.

We handle cases involving animal attacks such as pit bull bites on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay no attorneys’ fees unless we recover a settlement or verdict on your behalf.  Our firm handles dog attack claims throughout North Carolina.

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