Everyone has heard horror stories of divorce, child custody, alimony, and/or equitable distribution that quickly turns into an ugly expensive mess. The goal of the collaborative process is to avoid many of pitfalls in the divorce and/or separation process. Traditionally, the divorce system treats the end of a marriage as a contest, where the various lawyers fight to get as much as possible for their client. This process often ignores the financial, emotional and relationship costs of “winning.” Generally, nobody wins if this approach is taken.
Depending on your familial circumstances, collaborative law may be a much better alternative. While separating or divorcing will always be a difficult process, collaborative lawyers take a less adversarial approach to domestic issues and helps couples resolve issues without contentious court proceedings. Together the attorneys formulates an agreement that will work for your particular family situation.
Resolving conflict collaboratively reduces the hostile and bitter nature of divorce, and can prevent the financial hardships that accompany length and expensive court battles.