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Raleigh Car Accident Neck Injury Lawyer

a t-bone car wreck

Neck injuries are an unfortunate but common result of automobile accidents. The human neck is simply not built to sustain the sudden whiplash associated with high speed automobile collisions. A car accident neck injury can range from strains and sprains to more disabling herniated discs, fractures, dislocations, and spinal cord injuries. If you have sustained a neck injury due to another driver’s negligence, you are entitled to fair personal injury compensation. Your damages may include medical and pharmaceutical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and compensation for permanent disability. To speak with a knowledgeable Wake County personal injury lawyer, call Maginnis Howard at (919) 526-0450.

Common Neck Injuries After an Accident

The most common neck injury following an automobile wreck is a cervical strain or sprain. This injury typically does not involve any joint damage and does not involve the nervous system. Cervical strains and sprains are also known as soft tissue injuries. Depending upon the severity of your strain or sprain, you may need physical therapy. Insurance adjusters sometimes refuse to compensate unrepresented claimants for extensive medical bills and lost wages if the diagnosis is a cervical strain or sprain. Despite their contentions, cervical strains and sprains are significant injuries and you are entitled to full compensation.

Neck injuries which involve the nervous system can be more troubling. The first example is the herniated disc. This injury involves the soft material inside a disc escaping through the tough outside and causing irritation to the nervous system. In the more severe cases, this injury requires surgery.

Cervical dislocations and fractures are injuries which involve the neck bones. A dislocation occurs when a neck bone moves out of its normal position, whereas a cervical fracture occurs when the bone actually breaks. A cervical fracture may accompany a dislocation. Treatment of fractures and dislocations can be costly and the results of the injuries debilitating. If you have sustained such an injury as a result of the fault of another person, it is important you immediately contact a personal injury attorney.

Neck injuries which damage the spinal cord are particularly devastating. Such injuries can lead to permanent and complete disability, including paralysis, and a lifetime of caretaking expenses. Even for less severe spinal cord injuries, extensive and costly rehabilitation is often necessary.

Representation for a Car Accident Neck Injury

The Raleigh personal injury lawyers of Maginnis Howard provide free consultations and evaluations to all prospective clients. We represent personal injury claimants on a contingency basis so that you pay no attorneys’ fees unless and until we recover compensation for your injuries.

If you or a family member has sustained a neck injury due to a car accident in Raleigh or anywhere in the Carolinas, contact Maginnis Howard. Call us at (919) 526-0450 or send us an email via our contact page.