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North Carolina Car Accident Undisplaced Fractures

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Automobile collisions cause a variety of orthopedic injuries. Many result from whiplash action of a motorist’s spine, while others are caused by blunt force trauma to the back, neck, or limbs. Undisplaced (or non-displaced) fractures fall in this latter category because they are usually caused by a motorist’s body striking their car’s interior. Undisplaced fractures are also common among pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists hit by negligent automobile drivers. The car accident attorneys of Maginnis Howard can help you recover fair compensation for your undisplaced fracture injury.

What are Undisplaced Fractures?

An undisplaced fracture is a type of bone break in which the bone does not entirely separate but cracks in several directions. It is also commonly referred to as a “nondisplaced fracture.” An MRI of the affected area may show the location of the undisplaced or nondisplaced fracture. Treatment options typically include extended rest and physical therapy. The recovery period typically takes several months.

What Damages Can I Recover?

Given the rest and physical therapy necessitated by an undisplaced fracture, the injured party may incur significant damages due to lost time from work and medical costs. We can help recover these costs, as well as damages for the physical, mental, and emotional pain and suffering associated with your injuries and the trauma of the car collision. We will attempt to negotiate a favorable settlement of your claim but, if necessary, will litigate on your behalf.

Contact Our Experienced Accident Attorneys

The Raleigh, Charlotte, and Fayetteville car accident attorneys of Maginnis Howard represent clients across the Carolinas. We offer free consultations and handle personal injury matters solely on a contingency basis. That means you do not pay any attorneys’ fees unless you make a recovery for your injury.

To speak with an intake specialist, call the North Carolina attorneys of Maginnis Howard at (919) 526-0450. You can also choose to send a confidential email regarding your claim via our contact page.

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